Thursday, September 25, 2008

A Bit of Group Storytelling Fun... going on over at Kevin Alexander's blog. It's a fun concept--he starts a story with a first paragraph, then encourages visitors to keep telling the story in the comments. I added to it last night. What a delightful way to inject five minutes of creativity and storytelling into one's day.

And what a great way to use the participatory elements of the blog format to allow a group of people--who have probably never met in person--to cooperate in telling one delightfully silly story.

Note: Link fixed now, above. Sorry about that....

1 comment:

Deborah Leiter Nyabuti said...

Uh, didn't think it was worth putting up a new post, but I forgot to note that if you go to the story, those of you who have been following and know that I've been taking a "Rhetoric of Conspiracy" class this fall will note that it was I who explicitly added the conspiracy theory dimension to the story...

See? the studies are already bearing creative fruit. :)